Aerogarden: Week 13

On lucky week 13, a lot of my thyme dried up, my mint decided not to grow back, and my basil was burnt (again): I really like the taste of the basil from the Aerogarden, but it just doesn’t produce enough to make pesto. This week, there is a lot of new growth, and I […]

Kind Bars

Remember on The Office when Michael asks Pam’s mom if she has a snack in her purse because she’s a mom? Michael’s at Pam and Jim’s wedding, gets hungry for a snack, and asks Pam’s mom for something to eat since mom’s always carry SOMETHING: Well, I’m not a mom but I always carry snacks […]

Aerogarden: Week 12

Three months since I started the Aerogarden. I haven’t had too much luck with the chives, oregano, or mint, but I’ve successfully used the basil and thyme (especially the basil). I actually cut off all of the mint right before this post (I couldn’t stand it anymore). This week’s growth: As you can see, I […]

Aerogarden: Week 11

Funny story: last week, I didn’t post an Aerogarden update on Tuesday. I didn’t think anyone would mind, but someone actually twittered and asked about the post! I was REALLY flattered that someone would actually REMEMBER that Tuesday was Aerogarden day! I was thinking about phasing out the Aerogarden updates (especially because I haven’t really […]

Aerogarden: Week 10

Last week, I made a quick and easy naan pizza and even had the opportunity to use some of the basil that has been growing like a weed from the Aerogarden. This week, I haven’t had a chance to really cook at all (especially since it’s so easy to just walk to Whole Foods instead […]

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